Wednesday, May 20

The Lady Noir Affair

Rasfoind ziarele pe internet descopar acest filmulet pe site-ul "Le Monde". Deci m-am prins: iei un produs mitic - in acest caz geanta Lady Dior - adaugi o actrita celebra - in acest caz Marion Cotillard - , eventual un regizor faimos si faci un film care te desumfla. Francezul ar zice Bof!

Prefer filmuletele in jurul parfumurilor, parca ma fac sa visez mai mult. E adevarat nici nu am picat inca in mania "geanta mea de cateva sute, mii de euro". The so called "IT Bag"!

As I look through newspapers on Internet I discover this video on the site "Le Monde". And I've got the idea: one takes an iconic product - here it is a Dior bag - "Lady Dior", and then adds a famous actrice - here it is Marion Cotillard, you can eventually add a famous film director and the result is a video that is disappointing in the end. A French would make a "Bof" sound!
I prefer videos made around perfumes - they inspire me somehow with more delight. But it is also true that I have not fallen yet into an absolute obsession of "my several hudreds, or thousands Euro bag." The so called "IT Bag"!

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