Monday, July 13

U2 360° TOUR: a social & humanitarian message

Sambata seara am fost pe Stade de France pentru a-i vedea pe cei de la U2, care au inceput concertele din cadrul turneului ce poarta numele 360°. Acesta vine de la scena SF ce ofera o vizibilitate de 360 de grade. A fost un concert superb, BONO are o carisma care pe mine ma determina sa-l clasez intre cei mai sexy barbati si o voce pe masura. Toate concertele vazute pana acum s-au desfasurat pe scene ce au incercat sa se claseze ca cele mai moderne si uzand de cea mai inalta tehnologie. U2 au reusit insa sa se pozitioneze in top cu ce au facut in acest turneu : pe langa designe-ul futurist, au avut un ecran circular construit din mai multe ecrane mici hexagoanle , ce s-au desfacut la un moment dat, creand o dantela "tehnologica"… la sfarsit sa se stranga si sa dea nastere acelui ecarn mare. Am incercat sa prind in poze si sper sa se inteleaga ce vreau sa zic.

Nu stiu cine le-a creat costumele de scena insa acestea au fost in concordanta cu spiritul grupului : oarecum de staruri pop-rock, insa nu extravagante si nici nu au fost personajul principal al spectacolului.

Bono insa a cantat pentru toate cauzele acestui pamant si turneul are un puternic caracter umanitar si social : a amintit de ceea ce se-ntampla in Iran, de Aung San Suu Kyi careia i-au dedicat melodia Walk On, de copii din Africa si de organizatia One. Pe site-ul oficial U2 se poate imprima o masca cu fata lui Aung San pentru a fi purtata in timp ce acestia canta Walk On…sau pur si simplu, pe strada in semn de protest pentru faptul ca aceasta este arestata la domiciliu de cand a castigat alegerile im Myanmar. Va dau si un link catre Wikipedia ca sa cititi despre viata extraordinara a acestei femei.

Concert superb !
On Saturday night I was on Stade de France for the U2 concert. They have started their tour named 360°. The name comes from the SF stage that offers a visibility of 360 degrees. It has been a superb concert. Bono has such a charisma that makes me consider him as being one of the sexiest men, with a voice that measures up. All their concerts up to now, took place on stages that tried to be among the most modern stages, making use of the highest technology. Still, U2 have succeeded to get on top with what they have done during the present tour: in addition to the futurist design, they had a circular screen that was composed of multiple small hexagonal screens that spread out at a certain moment, creating a kind of « technological » lacework... that were finally assembled to create the big screen. I have tried to catch it with my camera and I hope my photos will help you to understand what I mean.

I don't know who has created their stage costumes, but they were in concordance with the group spirit: kind of pop-rock stars costumes, but not extravagant and neither the main characters of the show.

Bono has sung for all the good causes of the Earth, the tour having a strong humanitarian and social character: his songs reminding of what is going on in Iran, of Aung San Suu Kyi (to whom was dedicated the song « Walk On »), the children of Africa and the organization « One ». On the official site of U2 one can print out a mask with the face of Aung San to be worn while « Walk On » is sung... or simply, to wear it in the street as a sign of protest against Aung San being placed under house arrest since she won the Myanmar elections. Here is the Wikipedia link, if you want to read more about the extraordinary life of this woman.

Great show!

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