Monday, June 1

Richard Rene

Richard Rene si-a facut ucenicia la Hermes ocupandu-se de marochinarie si apoi, a lucrat ca asistent al lui Jean Paul Gaultier pentru haute couture. A fost castigatorul festivalului Hyeres - de care v-am mai vorbit aici - cu o performanta nemaintalnita pana in acel moment in istoria acestui concurs. A castigat cele 4 premii posibile: cel al juriului, al publicului, al marcii 1.2.3 si premiul Nordstrom Fatex. A fost revelatia festivalului in acel an 2004. Si-a creat propria marca....destul de mult spus, deoarece din cate am observat in aceste zile de festival, Richard fiind prezent la Bucuresti pe toata perioada sa, este detasat de succesul financiar.
Scoala de haute couture s-a vazut perfect in calitatea exceptionala a materialelor si a realizarii colectiei ce a fost prezentata la resedinta Ambasadorului Frantei la Bucuresti. O colectie sexy, sexy, sexy insa nu pentru femeia hot! Femeia glaciala, a la Ava Gardner il inspira si ne-a transmis acest lucru perfect. Imi place cand o rochie ce la prima vedere pare austera si simpla, dezvaluie un spate gol ce o trasforma automat pe cea care o poarta intr-o "femme fatale", imi plac vesmintele ce ofera surprize privitorului. Muzica, cadrul burghez al saloanelor din resedinta si atitutdinea manechinelor s-au imbinat frumos in aceasta prezentare. Sunt elemente care o transforma intr-un mic spectacol si scot in evidenta, si mai mult, creatiile. Acest lucru nu cred ca trebuie uitat de designerii nostrii: este elementul care mi-a lipsit de exemplu din prezentarea lui Adrian Oianu.
Richard Rene took his apprenticeship at Hermes, working with leather. Later, he worked as Jean Paul Gaultier's assistent for the haute couture. He was the winner of the Hyeres festival, about which I have already talked to you on the blog – with a preformance that had never been seen before in the history of this contest. He won all the 4 prizes one can win: the jury prize, the public prize, the 1.2.3 brand prize and the Nordstrom Fatex prize. He was the revelation of the festival of that year (2004). He has created his own brand... though it might sound a bit overstated because, from all I have seen during these days at the festival, Richard, who was present at Bucarest during all the period of the festival, is quite detached from the financial success. The school of haute couture was visible in the exceptional quality of fabrics and the design of the collection that was presented at the residence of the Ambassador of France in Bucarest. The collection is very very sexy but it is not for the hot kind of woman! The cool woman, Ava Gardner's style, inspires him and he has succeded perfectly well to transmit this. I like to see a dress, that seems austere and simple at a first glance, to suddenly reveal a naked back transforming the woman who wears it into a « femme fatale ». I like the garments which offer surprizes to the spectator. The music, the cosy bourgeois atmosphere of the residence and the attitude of the models combined nicely in this presentation. There are elments transforming it into a small show and highlighting the creations. This is a thing our fashion designers should bear in mind: this is one of the elements I would have liked to see in Adrian Oianu's parade.

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